Assigning roles

In “Edit” mode, the organizer can also associate users with spaces, and thus assign the role to them.

This can be useful for adding:

  • An exhibitor in a booth
  • A speaker in a conference room
  • A moderator in a conference room or public discussion room
  • A guest in a private discussion room
  • For the organizer role, this will be done in the back office in the User Management
  • section.

Whatever the space, the association procedure is always the same.

First, the user you want to associate must be registered on the event (via the event’s website).

Then, when the organizer opens the user’s list and the “Edit” mode is active, he has access to a user search tool.

Searching for a user for their role in a virtual fair appyfair

Entering the last name, first name, or e-mail in this search field will display a list of matching users.

Assigning the role of booth advisor on a virtual fair appyfair

You then just need to click on the chain-link icon to associate this user to this space.

This user then appears in the list of associated users (here, the exhibitors on a booth).

The same user can be associated with different areas, and his role will be adjusted accordingly (and therefore his rights and privileges). For example, an organizer can also be an exhibitor on 2 booths and a speaker.

Assignment of a booth advisor role on a virtual fair appyfair

The reverse operation can then be done simply by clicking on the crossed-out chain link icon which allows you to remove the user.