Creating rooms

Rooms can have 2 features:

  1. Create halls in which other spaces will be created (booths, conferences, link, discussion room, sub-hall)
  2. Create content rooms such as video library, image bank, document room, or link room

Creating this room is the same process for the 2 types of rooms (see creating a space).

For halls, you’ll just need to create the spaces you want inside that room or drag them in (in the dashboard tab tree in the back office).

For content rooms, organizers will need to create the room, and then add a single type of content to it without creating a space inside. The platform will then recognize the room as a content room and directly open the panel of the added content (for example, in the case of a document room, the document panel will be automatically opened when visitors go to the room – see screenshot below).

Example of a video library on a virtual appyfair