Email editing

Many automatic emails will be sent from the platform.

Checking up and customizing these emails is essential before any user registration, as they will automatically receive a confirmation email following their registration. Many email templates are provided, such as confirmed sign up for a conference, or an appointment with an exhibitor.
Be careful to include in these emails the activation link if you have added the account activation option for users. Without this link, users will not be able to validate their accounts and will not have access to the platform.

The password can only appear in emails for imports with the password automatically generated by the platform. For all other registration methods, the password does not appear in any email.

List of customizable email templates sent from an AppyFair virtual fair

Customizing emails allows you to integrate automatic dynamic fields. This is the 4th step to preparing your event if you have not validated the previous step (custom fields) the dynamic fields cannot be added. Therefore, we recommend that you do not configure the emails until you have finalized and validated the user fields on the form.

Each template allows the organizer to add dynamic fields depending on the context (for example, for an appointment confirmation email, it is possible to add the appointment time).

The input tool of these templates allows an easy layout of the email (WYSIWYG)

Caution: for multilingual events, the organizer will have to edit the emails in all the configured languages. 

List of customizable email templates sent from an AppyFair virtual fair