The configuration steps

On the home page of the Back-office you will be guided to fill in the first elements that will be necessary to finalize the fair’s set up. These several steps, are obligatory and will include the options for which the client has subscribed.

Steps to set up an AppyFair virtual fair

1. Basic information

This important information concerns the data of the organizing company, and the global data of the event, such as its logo, name, main interface color, favicon, etc.

This data is essential for a complete display of the landing page of the event or some legal notices, it is essential to finalize this step before moving on to the next.

2. Custom URL

Step 2 allows you to configure the URL of the landing page. The installation URL, in the form of, was defined when the order was taken.

The Customer may have decided to use a personalized URL of which he is the owner, in which case this step will provide him with all the useful information to redirect his domain to the virtual fair (DNS configuration).

Once this step has been completed, the Client simply needs to click on the dedicated button to notify 3D at Home, which will complete the server configuration with the installation of an SSL security certificate.

This step also provides all the useful information to the organizer to allow him to configure his whitelists or authorize the event’s domain with his IT department.

3. User Data

This key step allows the organizer to choose and customize the information that will be requested from users when they register.

This information can be of various types (text field, choice list, multiple choice, number, phone, social media link, checkbox, file, or link), and can be:

  • requested at registration, or later
  • .

  • required or optional
  • public or private (for the sole use of the organizer)

This data may also be targeted to a specific audience (visitors and/or advisors).

The organizer must also, at this stage, enter the URL to its privacy policy, in which it will explain to the users of the fair everything related to the use of their personal data, in compliance with the GDPR.

The organizer can also include his “consent” sentence, which will be mandatory for all users to accept upon registration, in addition to the AppyFair user policy.

Beware, once the organizer has validated this step, no going back is possible.

Validating this step updates the registration form accordingly.

4. Automatic emails

Many automatic emails will be sent from the platform.

The verification and personalization of these emails is essential before any user registration, as they will systematically receive a registration confirmation email following their sign-up.

Numerous e-mail templates are provided, such as confirmation of registration for a conference or an appointment with a exhibitor.

The customization of the emails allows the integration of automatic dynamic fields.

Each template allows the organizer to add dynamic fields according to the context (for example, for an e-mail confirming an appointment, it is possible to add the time of the appointment).

The input tool of these templates allows an easy layout of the email (WYSIWYG).

5. Global Options

This step allows you to customize the global options for your event, as well as the default options that will apply to the booths you will create. You will of course be able to offer specific options, different from the global options, to the booths of your choice.

6. Prepare your event

Once these preliminary steps have been completed, the organizer can begin to prepare the other elements that are essential to the smooth running of the event such as: The landing page website, public announcements, the image library…

Be careful not to communicate the URL of your show too early, make sure that your event’s website responds to your expectations before launching the registrations. Making appointments for visitors with exhibitors will be possible under 3 conditions:

1 – you have authorized this option on the booth

2- you have made the booth visible on the landing page of the event

3- your exhibitors have already been linked to the booths and have been able to enter their attendance slots.