
This tab allows the organizer to access the overall or detailed statistics of the event, filtered by dates and user statuses if desired.

The organizer first arrives on a global view of the statistics, and can then obtain a view by type of space, or by booth.

He can export the information in the form of graphs, tables (CSV) or simply consult them. According to the category or space, the number of visitors, clicks, content consultations, messages… will be indicated.

Statistical charts downloadable directly from the back office of an AppyFair virtual fair

The organizer will be able to display the information he wants by closing or adding the values he is interested in, the graph will automatically adapt itself according to these settings.

Stats available in the back-office of an AppyFair virtual fair

The organizer is solely responsible for the user data on the fair, the organizer should consider deleting or anonymizing user data (in the User Management tab) in accordance with regulations and its privacy policy that applies on the event.