User management

This “users” page allows you to export or import users.

It is also possible to perform a search for a user to activate their account manually, force their password, or grant them organizer rights.

Finally, the last tab allows you to perform mass deletions of users’ data, in compliance with the GDPR requirements.

The page is broken down into 5 tabs:

1. User tracking: see in real-time the users connected to the fair (and filter by role or status)

2. User exports: export a list of users from the event (and filter them by role, and whether they have visited the fair yet or not)

3. User imports: the organizer must select the options, generate an import template, integrate the users into it, and then proceed with the import.

  • Generate password: the platform automatically creates the password, or the organizer can create one themselves. (Be careful to add the password in the registration confirmation email in this case – cf Email templates)
  • If you do not wish to generate passwords, you will have to create them yourself and import them, the passwords will not be able to appear in the automatic emails (you will have to remember to remove it from the import email, and pass it on to the users).

  • Send signing-up email: the user receives an email to notify them of their registration (required if the option to generate passwords is active)

Please note that the files must be encoded in UTF8 so that the file format is compatible with the platform.

interface for importing users to a virtual AppyFair

4. User management: the organizer can search for each user and perform the following actions:

  • Manually activate the account
  • Force the password (forced modification in case of forgotten password and user not receiving the password reset email)
  • Assign organizer role
  • Delete the account
user management panel on an AppyFair virtual fair

5. Mass deletion: the organizer can delete or anonymize user data by selecting the type of users as well as the period over which he wants to act (warning: any deletion or making anonymous is final!)